Dal confronto Openoffice.org emerge complessivamente come vincitore; peraltro l'autore dell'articolo avverte come la situazione potrebbe anche modificarsi presto: difatti, in molte "categorie" del confronto, l'attribuzione del "vincitore" non è stata facile come nelle edizioni precedenti...
As in the previous two comparisons, Writer emerged as the winner in the majority of categories. However, in many categories, the decision is not as obvious as in previous comparisons. For the first time in several releases, Word's designers seem to be making significant changes. These changes are not always successful -- in fact, the reordering of menus into ribbons might be seen by the cynical as an attempt to hide some long-term embarrassments, such as the ongoing problems with master documents. But at least the effort is being made. Writer, by contrast, seems to be standing still, and some of its problems -- notably, cross-references -- are almost as long-neglected as some of Word's.Linux.com :: Office software shootout: OpenOffice.org Writer vs. Micosoft Word, round three
E visto come procede velocemente il fenomeno dell'office online, è facile prevedere che magari già il prossimo confronto, includa prodotti come Zoho Writer ed anche Google Docs...
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